The favourable colors for you (according to your day of birth) January 18, 2011 Day that you were born Good colors/ colours Colors to Avoid Sunday 1. Success: Purple , orange , yellow 2. Good luck: White 3. Power: Cream, grey 4. People help: Red 1. Arguments/ conflict: Green 2. Health ailments: Black & blue 3. Danger: Pink Monday 1. Success: Cream, grey 2. Good luck: Pink 3. Power: Black & blue 4. People help: White 1. Arguments/ conflict: Purple , orange , yellow 2. Health ailments: Red, orange 3. Danger: Green Tuesday 1. Success: Black & blue 2. Good luck: Green 3. Power: Red 4. People help: Pink 1. Arguments/ conflict: Cream, grey 2. Health ailments: White 3. Danger: Purple , orange , yellow Wednesday 1. Success : Red 2. Good luck: Purple , orange , yellow 3. Power: Whit...